
Learn How Cyber Criminals Use Quick Support Anydesk Fraud | Mohit Yadav

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Learn How Cyber Criminals Use Quick Support Anydesk Fraud | Mohit Yadav

Learn How Cyber Criminals Use Quick Support AnyDesk Fraud

In this technology-filled world, there are numerous ways by which a person can be tricked into a trap by a trickster.  For fulfilling this personal agenda of getting more and more money from the bank accounts of other people from their own nation or other nations of the world, a lot of people utilize social engineering techniques to withdraw all the required information including banking credentials or their varied USER IDs and Passwords of varied accounts leading to monetary losses.

In addition, there are multiple ways by which Quick Support Anydesk Fraud can be happened to you resulting in so many losses simultaneously altogether under your nose.  Moreover, scammers use a variety of steps and methodologies to trick their target to fall prey to the tricks and techniques they use to forge them with their money.

Quick Support Anydesk Fraud

Some of the developed countries like Australia, the UK, and the USA are ultimately falling prey to scammers situated especially in the South Asian Countries like India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bangladesh, etc.  The online scammers stating that they are calling from the Quick Support of Anydesk utilize a number of methodologies to set traps against their targets to steal their money.

Moreover, the distinguished steps taken by the scammer to trick their prey are mentioned below:

  1. Fake Introduction
  2. Downloading the App
  3. Asking for Remote ID
  4. Sharing the Remote ID
  5. Stealing Banking Credentials
  6. Money Deduction

Fake Introduction

The scammer use to open the call by revealing themselves with fake names and designations from reputed places such as Microsoft Support, Roku Support, Google Support, or any other distinguished organization.  They pretend to be the native of the place where they are calling and befooling to the optimum level to their prey.

In addition, they even match their accent to the place they are calling to in order to make them connected emotionally.  That will certainly help them in getting tricking them more easily.

Downloading the App

The scammers compel them to download one of the two famous QuickSupport apps by which most scam cases take place:

  • The callers usually ask victims to download AnyDesk, or
  • TeamViewer QuickSupport app.

Asking for Remote ID

After making them successfully download and install either one of the apps, the scammers let them make their Unique IDs on the same platform and take the unattended remote access to the same.  After successfully grabbing the 9-digit remote desk code, they will put it into one’s own database to retrieve the money at fixed intervals.

Sharing the Remote ID

In this step, the scammers compel the target to share one’s 9-digit code allowing the scammer to view the victim’s screen live as well as record it to gain monetary benefits and leave the target in the vein by emptying one’s all bank accounts.

Stealing Banking Credentials

In the step, the victim’s banking credentials get stolen the moment the one comes online and put the details on its screen which is being recorded by the ill practices of the scammer utilizing the social engineering techniques.

Money Deduction

This is the last step of the chain where the banking details are used by the scammer by utilizing the credentials that were put in the preferred banking slots by the victim oneself.  Leading to emptying all the money possessed in the bank accounts, and the victim gets tricked of the monetary losses.

Androids: More Prone To Risks

We should all understand this common factor that Android phones are more at risk as compared to iPhones as their security level is low in comparison to the iOS software.  One should understand that these scams usually happen via online banking or UPI apps.  Hence, no such details should be given either on call on via any text communication to anyone whosoever ask you for the same.

However, one should also prevent oneself to write down these highly sensitive forms of information in any place where it could be exposed to any malicious intent person that can harm your money.  In this context, Android phones are more prone to these types of scams in comparison to iOS phones as their software system is more secured by various other parameters.  Inspite, Androids phones have low-security features in their default settings.  In addition, one can download some additional anti-virus or anti-malware software to enhance their security measures.

Frequently Asked Questions

About Learn How Cyber Criminals Use Quick Support Anydesk Fraud

1: Can you get scammed through AnyDesk?

Yes, tricksters are using varied techniques and tricks to scam their targets using AnyDesk QuickSupport Software.

2: Can AnyDesk be used for spying?

Yes, it can be used for spying, however, it comes under black hat hacking techniques and we do not encourage people to do that so.

3: Can people hack AnyDesk?

Yes, through AnyDesk data can be hacked utilizing some tricks and techniques.  However, people use to think that AnyDesk can be hacked which is not fully incorrect as scammers know plentiful techniques by altering some settings in the AnyDesk software in your computer that gives them unattended access.

4: What can a scammer do with remote access to your computer?

They can genuinely record your screen to whatever you do and ask you to change your banking credentials which will ultimately lead you to see them your new bank User IDs and Passwords.

5: What is the QuickSupport app used for?

The QuickSupport app is designed to enable a support tech professional to remotely obtain access to your computer which will ultimately lead to view and controlling your computer or the mobile device for troubleshooting at a rapid speed.

6: Can someone hack me through TeamViewer?

Yes, just like AnyDesk, TeamViewer can also be used to hack someone by taking a target’s unattended access to forge them with their money using the banking credentials obtained from them during their recorded TeamViewer sessions while they put their details on the preferred baking sites.

7: How do I cancel QuickSupport?

By tapping on the Stop Broadcast button in the preferred QuickSupport app, one may stop sharing the screen and disconnect the remote ongoing sessions which might hail from the unattended version.


It is highly advisable not to download the AnyDesk app or any remote desktop apps without understanding how they work.  In addition, one should never download additional apps that any customer care/ support executive may ask you to do.  This information is issued in the public interest by Craw Security’s Awareness Campaign for the common man to enhance one’s knowledge regarding cyber security Quick Support Anydesk Fraud.


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