
What is Network Security? | Definition, Types, Explain Network Security

what is network security

What is Network Security? | Definition, Types, Explain Network Security

What is Network Security?

People are asking about what is network security and how it is implemented when someone wants to safeguard an individual, a group, or an organization’s database from being stolen or any unauthorized access from any malicious entity or threat actor causing harm to any network infrastructure.  Moreover, we can explain further what is network security as it is a widely explainable term that comprises a group of technologies, appliances, and methodologies.

In its simplest terms, if you are also searching what is network security then we can sincerely say that it is a cluster of rules and arrangements duly curated to save the integrity, privacy, and approachability of some dedicated computer networks and the data in the usage of both software and hardware technologies.  In addition, to understand what is network security more precisely, it will not be wrong to say that every particular major and minor business, regardless of size, industry, or infrastructure, duly needs an extent of network security resolutions in the exact position to safeguard it from the rising cases of cyber crimes and cyber threats in the global market in today’s world.

Furthermore, with the help of this article, we would like to tell you about the changing parameters of malicious threat actors trying to find new ways to steal the databases related to transforming complex network architecture.  So far, these potential vulnerabilities can live in a wide number of extents, including appliances, data, applications, users, and locations.

Introduction of Network Security

To sincerely understand what is network security with the right explanation or introduction of network security, we should begin with the grass-root level as there are numerous layers to ponder while noticing network security across an enterprise.  In addition, cyber-attacks on a target network can happen at any particular layer in any timeframe in the network security layers model.  Hence, one should always consider the network security hardware, software, and policies should be designed in such a way that they address each area so firmly.

Further, there are around three diverse controls of network security:

  • Physical Network Security
  • Technical Network Security
  • Administrative Network Security

Below is a short detail related to the different types of network security and how each control functions:

Physical Network Security

In this particular type of network security, Physical security measures are dedicatedly employed to avoid any unauthorized entrance of unrecognized personnel from gaining physical access to the network equipment such as routers, switches, cabling cupboards, etc.  To avoid such circumstances, we need to have controlled access within the premises possessing our sensitive data holding network infrastructure by installing good quality security locks, biometric authentication, burglar alarms, and other varied security protocols.

Technical Network Security

In general terms, the technical security controls prevent datasets that are kept on the network or which are particularly in movement across, into, or out of the network parameters to some other organizations.  Moreover, it is also to be mentioned that protection is twofold in this particular technical network security; it requires saving info and systems from any malicious personnel trying to gain access for one’s own illicit benefit.  Above all, it also requires saving the crucial and confidential set of databases against suspicious activities from the in-house employees as well.

Administrative Network Security

In this type of network security, Administrative security controls comprising of security policies and methodologies that monitor user behavior, consisting of how users are authenticated, their level of access to channel the datasets, and how IT staff personnel enforce transformations to the network infrastructure.

Examples of Network Security

There are certain ways by which a working network security analyst can confirm the overall security of a network infrastructure against serious cyber threats and cyber-attacks which are so frequent in today’s cyber world.

Now, let’s take a look at the examples of network security one by one in the following table:

Examples of Network Security
Example Type Explanation
Network Access Control In this methodology, it is to be confirmed that the malicious attackers could not reach the network servers to infiltrate it for their personal illicit usage.  To do this, complete access control policies are required to be in place for both users and devices.  In addition, Network Access Control (NAC) should be established at the most basic phase.  E.g. You could allow administrators complete access to the network but deny access to particular private folders or safeguard their individual appliances from uniting the network.
Antivirus and Antimalware Software All organizations despite the size, scale, and infrastructure should adopt the practices of using genuine Antivirus and antimalware software in order to safeguard an enterprise from a wide scale of malicious software, comprising viruses, ransomware, worms, and trojans. Further, the best-in-class software not only reviews files upon entrance to the network but constantly scans and tracks files.
Firewall Protection This particular network protection works as a barrier between non-secure external networks and your trustworthy internal network server.  In this methodology, administrators simply configure a cluster of specified rules that intercepts or authorizes traffic onto the network.
Virtual Private Networks Virtual Private Networks which are commonly known as VPNs by the common people, establish a link to the network from another endpoint or website.  For E.g. any user working from the home would simply link to an enterprise’s network through a VPN.  In this process, the data between two points is secured and the user would sincerely be required to establish to permit transmission between their appliance and the network.

What is a Network security key?

In easy language, we can say that the network security key is the password that you put in to protect your network from being used by any unwanted user.  Moreover, it also gives you the benefit of being spared from any unauthorized access by a malicious threat actor to compromise your datasets.  In case, you have a Wi-Fi router at your home, you are sincerely required to protect your network using a fully secured password.  However, you too will be required to use the same password to access the network and run the internet on your smart devices.

In short, that particular Wi-Fi password is your network security key.

Furthermore, there are around 3 types of network encryption that are locked utilizing network security keys. One of these will almost certainly be utilized to safeguard your home router:

Network Security Key
Network Security Protocol Explanation
WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy) WEP is basically an old version of wireless security protocol that can be utilized in today’s date as well within outdated systems.  It’s pretty much easy to hack and extensively tough to configure.  Hence, we do not recommend anyone to use this WEP technology and put your organization’s sensitive database at risk.
WPA (Wi-Fi Protected Access) WPA is the updated version of WEP which is certainly a genuinely advanced security parameter with some comprehensive security features.  However, WPA is not very safe and tolerant of cyber attacks so massively.
WPA2 (Wi-Fi Protected Access 2) This is the most secure network security protocol till now as WPA2 utilizes AES encryption technology.  It is surely able to protect your internet database from any unintended access.

Why is network security important for businesses and consumers?

It is a highly needful aspect to employ network security which should be on a high priority list for any business that functions with networked datasets and systems.  Further, to secure assets and the morality of data from external exploits, network security can sincerely monitor network traffic with crucial efficiency, widely enhance the network execution, and confirm secure data transfer among employees and data resources.

Moreover, there are numerous tools, applications, and services available that can sincerely assist one in protecting one’s networks from any unauthorized access, cyber-attacks, or needless downtime.

Best Institute for Network Security Course

Learning network security protocols can be a game-changing event for anyone’s life whosoever wants to outshine oneself as a proven network security professional and willing to work in the wide InfoSec domains.  In order to learn from the best institute for network security course, you can enroll in the primetime Basic Networking Certification and Training program by Craw Cyber Security Institution.  You will be exposed to every major and minor network security fundamental under the observation of premier network security professionals as trainers and mentors imparting quality training.

Frequently Asked Questions

Know what is network security?

1: What is meant by network security?

Safeguarding an organization’s network database from the reach of any unauthorized access from a malicious threat actor is widely known as network security.

2: What is network security for example?

The process of securing network infrastructure from the ill effects of potential threat actors is widely known as network security.  For example, there are around three diverse controls of network security:

  • Physical Network Security
  • Technical Network Security
  • Administrative Network Security

3: Why is network security?

To save the datasets comprising network infrastructure, network security is the utmost need for every organization in the wild.

4: What is network security and its need?

The process of securing network infrastructure from the ill effects of potential threat actors is widely known as network security.  It is highly necessary for various organizations and enterprises to secure the datasets of varied networking infrastructures.

5: What is network security and types?

Safeguarding an organization’s network database from the reach of any unauthorized access from a malicious threat actor is widely known as network security.  Further, the network security types are as follows:

  • Access Control,
  • Virus and Antivirus Software,
  • Application Security,
  • Network Analytics,
  • Types of network-related security (endpoint, web, wireless),
  • Firewalls,
  • VPN encryption, and many more.

6: What are the 5 types of security?

The 5 types of security parameters that secure the IT infrastructures of distinguished IT organizations are as follows:

  • Critical infrastructure security.
  • Application security.
  • Network security.
  • Cloud security.
  • Internet of Things (IoT) security.

7: What are the 4 types of networks?

The prominent 4 types of networks are as follows:

  1. LAN (Local Area Network)
  2. PAN (Personal Area Network)
  3. MAN (Metropolitan Area Network)
  4. WAN (Wide Area Network)

8: What are the advantages of network security?

The prominent advantages of network security are as follows:

  • Builds trust
  • Mitigates risk
  • Protects proprietary information
  • Enables a more modern workplace

9: What are the principles of network security?

The high-end 3-key (C-I-A) principles of network security are mentioned below:

  • Confidentiality,
  • Integrity, and

10: What is network security class 12?

The fully distinctive Network Security Concepts Class 12 are the network security concerns with the below-mentioned w.r.t. Data and devices:

  • Protection – Protection of devices and data from misuse.
  • Prevention – Prevent unauthorized users from data and device access.
  • Exploitation – Exploit any vulnerability.


For wrapping up, we would like to talk about the utmost importance of network security for varied levels of individuals, groups, and organizations to secure their datasets possessed in their reputed network infrastructures.  Moreover, if anyone is willing to make a shinier career in this domain of network security by joining a fully-fledged Basic Networking Course under the guidance of superb category knowledgeable trainers and mentors, the same can join our course in the upcoming sessions.


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